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Welcome to Ruach Briar Pipes. At RBP I try to offer unique handcrafted pipes, ashtrays and rings. If you don’t happen to find what you are looking for in the available items, head over to the gallery of past work. I invite you to email me to express your particular interest in a custom pipe, ashtray or ring and together we can explore the possibilities. 

You may notice some pipes are trimmed with a ring of deer antler and some ashtrays have a deer antler cigar stand.  Hunters, perhaps you can send me a piece of antler to include a piece to include in your custom pipe, ashtray or ring as a way of remembering a particular hunt or just generally celebrating your passion for the woods.

Pipes are made from quality briar with stems in acrylic or vulcanite. Trim rings are turned from antler, stabilized woods or other stem materials.  Ashtrays are generally made of walnut or ash and many feature an antler rest.  Rings can be made with or without a stainless steel core.

About: I have been making pipes since 2018 and continue to hone my craft and express my creativity while working from his small shop in Ontario, Canada. People have wondered about the name “Ruach”. Ruach is Hebrew for wind, breath and spirit and the dove included in my logo is also symbolic of the notion of spirit. For me, enjoying a pipe is a way to set aside time to reflect, pray or read scripture or a theological text and therefore “spirit” seems fitting.

“I believe that many who find that ‘nothing happens’ when they sit or kneel to a book of devotion, would find that the heart sings unbidden when they are working their way through a tough bit of theology with a pipe in their teeth and pencil in their hand.”

C.S. Lewis

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